Platero & Co: Gaucin at its best

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Gaucin is a place where everything comes together. The local expats even joke about Gaucin being the ‘center of the universe’ with its medieval fortress high in the mountains, but with the Mediterranean Sea within reach. Platero & Co takes over this worldly character in its restaurant. Hellen and Barry serve 4 to 5 tables with their innovative and quirky menu.

“The warm south hill, where sheep and retinto cattle graze, with views of Gibraltar and the coast of Africa. Towards the levante winds, the green valley of the Genal river, full of cork oak forests. In the direction of the poniente winds, the jagged limestone mountains of the Sierra de Grazalema. Towards the north, you continue into the Serrania de Ronda with its traditional pueblos blancos” (Hellen & Barry).

Andalusia on your table: Platero & Co

Hellen & Barry are the owners of Platero & Co. They borrow the name of their restaurant from the Spanish classic ‘Platero y yo‘ (Platero and I). Platero is a silver-grey donkey and symbolises the purity and simplicity of life. This symbolism appears in their restaurant’s philosophy. The purity and honesty is not only reflected in the dishes, but also in the prices. The idea is that the neighbour should also be able to join for a meal. With a view of the infamous German Bridge and the valley of Grazalema, you will enjoy the richness of Gaucin, Andalusia and Spain at Barry and Hellen’s.

platero gaucin

Going local

The idea of going local arose in Jubrique. In their previous restaurant, Barry and Hellen decided to work with local elements in their dishes. The villagers shared their cherries, chestnuts, herbs and mushrooms in exchange for a cup of coffee. Platero & Co also encourages you to discover the local area. The drive to Gaucin alone is beautiful. But the beautiful walking routes, the Genal river and the culture of the village are also worth discovering. Platero & Co embraces the local environment and its products and truly bring it back to its menu. From the local Payoyo goat cheese to the honey and wine vinegar from the Gaucin winery. The air-dried ham of the black ibérico pig, which roams around in the cork oak forests of the area, also regularly has a place on the menu. Moreover, Barry and Hellen also work with seasonal products. There is a cherry menu in June and figs in August. September and October put the spotlight on the quinces and chestnuts. At the end of October and November, wild mushrooms, deer and wild boar appear on the table. As such, Barry and Hellen combine the local delicacies together with wines and products from the rest of Spain and Europe.

Gaucin’s magic on a plate

Everything comes together in Gaucin. And everything from Gaucin comes together on a plate at Platero & Co. Together with organic Andalusian wines, you can taste Andalusia on a spoon at Barry & Hellen. Currently they serve, among other things, braised veal cheek, homemade duck pâté with date mustard, cod in shortcrust pastry, roasted free-range chicken and drinking Andalusian strawberries with homemade honey-saffron ice cream. In the transitional month of March, the last game dishes are served, before the suckling lamb and goat take over. They also currently pick wild garlic and fennel around the village during their walks.

This restaurant is a must try if you are around Gaucin. Follow this link to book.


Do you want to know what kind of farms and country houses we have in the area?

Please contact us at [email protected].

One of our rustic farms is Cortijo Gaucin. Located very privately, surrounded by nature and embracing the richness of the environment just like Platero!

Nienke Ernstsen | 23rd March 2021