Feria Season 2024

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¡Olé! Welcome to the wonderful Feria Season of 2024 in Andalusia! Are you ready to experience the passion, the flavor, and the rhythm of our land? Because my friends, the Feria de Abril in Seville kicked the season off last weekend and the party is in full swing. But beware, this is just the beginning!

Feria Season in Andalucía

Every year the feria season starts in April and lives on in our hearts all the way through to the end of September. What can you expect? An explosion of joy, colour, and flavour in every town and city of our beloved Andalusia.

If you haven’t attended a typical feria in Andalucía, you might wonder what it’s like and why they love it so much. For a true Andalusian, the feria represents pure passion and joy. For us ferias are much more than an excuse to party. To us, a feria is a moment during the summer month where for almost an entire week everything revolves around family and friends. It’s about connection. Days spent at the beach, or at the family country house where the kids play in the pool and the adults laugh together.

As an outsider, the feria season allows you to feel the soul of our land and our people. It’s the moment when we let loose, leave our worries behind, and surrender to the greatest pleasures of life. And the April fair in Seville is like the main course of a never-ending feast.

Aesthetics of the Ferias

Picture this: streets are adorned with lanterns of all the colours from the rainbow. Flamenco dresses dazzling with their beauty, horses neighing to the beat of the music, and booths overflowing with joy and bustle. It’s a spectacle that feeds the heart and the spirit. Children, adolescents, young adults, adults and the elderly, all the generations come together to celebrate. Everyone dances and sings the same songs we have sung for as long as we can remember. All you hear is laughter and clinking glasses.

I bet you’re thinking you want to be a part of this, you want to experience this in the flesh! But how? How am I supposed to know when the ferias are organised? I’ve got you. Follow this link and you will see the calendar with al the planned dates for ferias in different towns, cities and provinces in 2024.

Feria all around

Don’t think that the fair stays in Seville, far from it! From Huelva to Almería, from Cádiz to Jaén, the lights of the party are lit. Each town has its own fair, its own essence, its own way of celebrating life. Its own music, its own food, its own way of dressing. For example, in Córdoba, the fair tastes of tradition and history, with its adorned courtyards and its purebred horses. In Jerez, the aroma of vino fino fills the air, and flamenco resonates in every corner. And in Málaga, the fair is pure Mediterranean joy, with its booths by the sea and its nights that stretch until dawn.


But do you know what’s the best part of it all? That in every fair, in every town, in every city, we find the same thing: the warmth of our people, the hospitality that defines us, and the overflowing passion that unites us all like one big family.

So my friends, let the party begin! Let the guitars play, let the heels resound, let the sun shine upon our heads, and let joy flood every corner of our Andalusia. Because as long as there’s a fair to celebrate, as long as there’s an Andalusian heart beating to the rhythm of flamenco, life will be an endless party!

Book your tickets and let’s Feria!

Danielle Ernstsen | 19th April 2024