Living in Andalusia after Covid

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In January 2020 we did not yet know what would hit us. A virus was soaring around the world that very soon became the pandemic that changed our lives forever. As the months go by, positive cases start popping up exponentially left and right all across Spain. On March 15th, we already had 7753 confirmed cases. That same day the Spanish government declared the national State of Alarm, immediately implementing a lockdown to combat de virus in the country. 

A pleasant surprise: Living in Andalusia after Covid

Like all around the world, people were scared. At times we weren’t allowed to leave our homes and this made people feel trapped. Looking back on it now, I finally feel ready to give away a little secret. Living on the countryside in Andalusia ensured for, ironically, tranquil times. The pandemic ensured we all went back to the basics, the things that matter. It made us appreciate once again, how truly lucky we are to live in Spain.

Living in Andalusia

The truth about the Andalusian lifestyle during Corona

When you open your eyes and look around, you will see that life is inexplicably beautiful. Even during the darkest times, living in the South of Spain showed us that everything was going to be just fine.

Since we couldn’t leave our homes and everything was closed, a DIY (Do It Yourself) era emerged. Miraculously, we got a taste of what life in the South of Spain might have been like a century ago when our world was not yet so exotic and interconnected. Owning a country property in Casares meant we had the space to breathe in fresh air, the space to move around freely and the space to create. The latter might be the most important thing of all given that creativity boosts happiness, mental health and even intelligence. Not having work-stress on our minds, we were able to let go and put our creative side to work!

Farming in the South of Spain

One of our very first projects was the vegetable patch. “What a fantastic opportunity to grow our very own ecological and organic vegetables and fruit“, we thought. We ordered everything we needed online and began a new farmer’s lifestyle. With much enthusiasm we planted lettuce, sugar snaps, strawberries, green beans, garlic and onions to begin with. As (many) weeks went by we felt an overwhelming sense of pride since all our hard work was paying off! I still remember the first meal we made with our first harvest. It was a perfectly cooked steak with oven-baked potatoes and the tastiest sugar snaps I had ever tasted.

I have to admit, I felt a general sense of peace knowing we were united with nature. We were surrounded by the sound of singing birds and the fragrant smell of new flowers we planted. Owning a house in the countryside made living in Andalusia a blessing during the world pandemic.

Countryside Andalusia

Living in Andalusia after Covid

Now that we’re back to our old lives with our old routines and habits, we notice that some ‘pandemic’ ways have remained. Clients and friends tell us that they invest the same amount of time, or more, gardening. That as the seasons change, they plant different crops because they discovered a new passion or hobby. Some people now have chickens walking around on their land and can enjoy fresh eggs in the morning.

Generally speaking, the people around us have been reminded of the reasons why they decided to move to Andalusia in the first place. They came here to slow down, to breathe, to cultivate their own tomatoes, to sing along with the birds. In other words, they came here to enjoy life. We all, once more, recognise life’s beauties in the small things.

Are you looking for a country property in Spain? Are you dreaming of owning a house in Andalusia? Don’t hesitate to contact us and let us help you make your dreams come true.
Contact us via [email protected] or call +34 952 89 51 39.

Danielle Ernstsen | 13th September 2022