Cortijo For Sale in Ronda

Cortijo for sale in Ronda
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Dear readers, today’s blog will take you on a journey like no other. We will be telling you about the magical transformation of a Cortijo for sale in Ronda that will have you fantasising for days. We kindly suggest to prepare yourself your favourite beverage, to sit down and let our story sink in. Let us enchant you. 

Once upon a time there was a cortijo in Ronda, owned by a Spanish farmer who took took care of his sheep. For that time, this was a very typical in Andalusia. The farmer felt lucky: he loved his animals, of course, but most of all, he loved coming to this magical and peaceful place. He was surrounded by a forest of cork oak trees in the middle of a dehesa landscape. As he walked around the land each morning, the fresh smell of trees and damp grass soothed him. Taking his sheep on a stroll with him, he could see the rolling mountains of Ronda. He would just stand there to take nature’s beauty in.

Cortijo for sale in Ronda

The cortijo was charming, endearing and so beautifully secluded. Moreover, the architecture was majestic for its time. Whomever built it truly had an eye for style and detail. Years later, the renovation transformed this old barn into a jaw-dropping architectural wonder. The new architect understood that the old historical features ought to be preserved. Every stone and tree was a part of that cortijo’s history. This Cortijo for sale in Ronda is a masterpiece.

Preserved historic elements

To honour the initial style, the renovated cortijo too needed to “be one” with the natural landscape. Specifically local and characteristic plants such as lavender and olive trees were planted to decorate the symmetrically built patios. The purpose of the symmetry was to safeguard tranquility and the same peaceful feeling the farmer felt when he lived there. The innate red tints of the mountains and the soil were incorporated in the design by means of terracota flooring. Additionally, natural stones were used to build walls. Furthermore, grand wooden doors were preserved to give this cortijo the authentic feel it always had.

Cortijo for sale in Ronda

The transformation of the Cortijo for sale in Ronda

Even though so many historical features have been highlighted in the current design, this cortijo has an important contemporary style. The latest technology and modern approaches have been incorporated to make this home as comfortable as possible. Since the temperatures in Ronda fluctuate from one extreme to the other throughout the year, double glazed windows, floor heating and other techniques have been installed. As such, this property is fully adapted to Ronda’s climate.

This Cortijo for sale in Ronda, is a perfect representation of what we call a style fusion. It is a unique combination of Andalusia’s history and our modern world. We present to you a rare, luxury opportunity for those who seek out the quietness and thrive in modern splendour.

Watch this video for a romantic view of the cortijo.

If you want more information about the property, click here. You can also contact us directly by calling us on +34 952 895 139 or by emailing us via [email protected].

Danielle Ernstsen | 23rd September 2022