Villas & Fincas pre-sales service

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Having worked in luxury real estate in Andalusia, Spain for over 20 years, we have had the pleasure to meet many people, all with beautiful and exciting dreams. We know that moving to a foreign country where you might not (yet) speak the language and find a new home is an adventure! This is why we believe it is essential that you find the right partner who can help you. When you choose for Villas & Fincas, these are the services we will offer you. 

Getting acquainted

You have reached out to us via email, telephone or social media because you have found a house that you’re interested in and you would like to receive more information. 

To begin with, we like to exchange information over a cup of coffee, or over the phone. We do this for three reasons. 

  1. First, it allows us to get to know each other and break the ice. At Villas & Fincas we like to get to know you, also to get to know your dream. The first step to gradually build a trust bond. 
  2. Secondly, this initial conversation will help us understand whether we are the right match for you. We would not want to give false hope or make false promises. 
  3. Thirdly, it helps us comprehend what it is you are looking for. Think of what type of country property, in what type of location/area, with what facilities and amenities in the surroundings, etc. 

After this initial contact we will have much clearer knowledge about the requirements of your dream house. 

Property suggestions

With a clearer vision of your dream, we are now able to offer you houses in our portfolio that match your preferences. In some cases, we might not have your ideal house in our portfolio. Nevertheless, we collaborate with a wide range of  agencies and will perform a thorough search to find a suitable match for you. 

When we offer you houses that match your requirements, we will provide you with as much information and details as possible. With this transparency policy we can avoid viewing a house that isn’t exactly right for you. As such, we can invest our time and energy into finding the perfect property for you.


Now that we have found the perfect match for you we will make an appointment to visit the house. Please note that we make appointments to view a property 2 days in advance to give the owner enough time to make arrangements, if necessary. Only in emergencies do we try to make appointments 1 day in advance. With such short notice we cannot guarantee a viewing will be possible. 

During the viewing we give you a full tour of the house including the land. When you are going to visit an extensive country or sporting estate for example, we will have arranged that the guarda is present to be able to explore the full estate. 

The viewing is the perfect opportunity for you to envision your dream. Sometimes you thought to have found  the ideal property on paper, yet on site it doesn’t make your heart beat faster. This might be alarming to you, but we have seen this before: don’t worry! It is also good to find out what you don’t want!

Visualizing it as your property

When the location is perfect and the spaces are exactly what you were looking for, but you want to change the styling of the property we can advise you on this as well. 

With many years of experience, we can help you see the potential of a property. We have seen so many transformations over the years that we know for certain that a lot is possible. In fact, very often large reforms aren’t even necessary. The style, look and feel of your dream property can often be put forward with small design elements.


We are happy to visit the same property several times with you to clarify the last details. We want to be sure that you are making the right decision. If you have decided that you have found the right property, this will conclude the pre-sales service. Now it is time for negotiations and finalising the deal so you can start living your dream!

Danielle Ernstsen | 22nd March 2023